Download e-book for iPad: Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces (Undergraduate Texts in by P.R. Halmos

By P.R. Halmos

ISBN-10: 125880932X

ISBN-13: 9781258809324

ISBN-10: 1258812584

ISBN-13: 9781258812584

From the studies: "The thought is systematically built by way of the axiomatic procedure that has, for the reason that von Neumann, ruled the final method of linear practical research and that achieves the following a excessive measure of lucidity and clarity....The ebook comprises approximately 350 good put and instructive difficulties, which conceal a substantial a part of the topic. All in all this is often a good paintings, of both excessive price for either pupil and teacher." --ZENTRALBLATT FÜR MATHEMATIK

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Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by P.R. Halmos

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